Support from Vetpol for Students
Becoming a SQP is a big undertaking and studying can sometimes feel a lonely experience. But we want you to enjoy your studies and have access to the best possible support from the Vetpol team and others in the medicines market when you need it.
We encourage and facilitate contact between all those involved in the SQP sector as often the most practical advice comes from your peers. When you’re part of a team working at the same coal-face you can ask questions, seek advice, share short-cuts to learning and more. That’s because you’re engaging with people who share your experience and understand the challenges you face. This is why we offer Munch & Learn and the SQP Congress as options facilitating learning and interaction.
We also facilitate engagement between SQPs and the wider veterinary / animal health team as all have a role to play in husbandry, management and welfare and need to work together.

Support for Qualified SQPs
At Vetpol we are here for you not just during your training but after qualification, to support and guide you on your professional journey.
Support includes access to a private Facebook forum where questions may be asked and answers shared from other SQPs and students and industry experts. Students receive an invite to the forum when they purchase an SQP course.
When qualified, we help you get the professional recognition you deserve via our range of unique and distinctive trademarks. This includes an SQP badge with your unique number on it.
Strong branding can help customers find you and recognise you as the person with specific training and expertise to help them make the right medicines choices and advise on general animal health and welfare. That helps animal owners and SQPs and is good for business.
At Vetpol we offer a smorgasbord of support. We are all different, so there’s a wide range of options for you to pick and mix from. Please choose whichever combination works best for you.

social media groups
In addition to our SQP Discussion forum on Facebook, we are to be found on our FB page and Instagram account. Look for @VetpolSQP on Twitter and follow Vetpol on LinkedIn too, to keep up-to-date with the latest news and views in the animals and medicines community.
If you can think of other ways Vetpol can help, please get in touch so we can continually improve the support available for our SQPs. Thank you.